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Everything is coming up golden! A kit that was created to assist in bringing luck and prosperity to your money and opportunities opening around you.  


  1. Take all items out of the gold satchel
  2. You should have      A. 4 golden candles B. Jar of golden honey c. A jar of money rice .D. The good luck oil E. 3 Golden money
  3. Get a clean plate
  4. Write your petition or what you are wanting to manifest on a sheet of paper or one of the golden dollars. Please be realistic.
  5. Take some rice around the money. Make sure to keep asking for what you are training to manifest
  6. Shake the golden honey well and make sure it gets a golden appearance
  7. Take the honey comb and dip it inside of the golden honey and drop it around the plate and in the center of your golden money or paper.
  8. Shake your good luck oil and place 4 drops on each corner. Place a few drops in the center.
  9. Take your taper candle and place time on four corners of your plate
  10. You may have to take your lighter and burn the ends to get it to stick to the plate

Please do not leave candles burning unattended

Honey jar spell

Get a clean plate

Take out the golden jar make sure to shake

The honey comb

The lucky oil make sure to shake

Money rice

1 piece of the golden money

Yes you can use real money in this work.

Write your money goals on the golden money.

Fold the money gold and repeat what you would like to achieve

Open the honey jar and place the golden money in the jar

Sprinkle some golden rice money into the jar

3 drops of luck oil in jar

Close the jar and shake it

Pray with both hands over the jar

Burn the tip of your golden candle with a lighter so it will stick to the bottom of the jar

Place the candle on top of the jar

Say your prayers abd affirmations

Ancestral money offering

You can burn the ancestral money to give blessings to your ancestors or to yourself